After all, the second player would be playing as a hat while the first player got to frolic around as the titular Mario. We were initially worried that the 2-player offerings in Super Mario Odyssey would be slim. In these times, when the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are suffering from a lack of co-op games, it's heartening to return to Nintendo for some 2-player mode in their latest Mario game. THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY BEST Holy Awesome Couch Co-op via: Nintendo has always been king at creating games that cater to those who just want to sit on a couch with their best buddy and play a game. And let me tell you, it was work figuring out what we thought was the worst of this fantastic game. Here we have the 8 best and 7 worst things about Mario's flashy new game. As with most games, it isn't perfect, but we're willing to forgive, if not forget, Odyssey's flaws.

While different in many ways, Super Mario Odyssey adheres to Nintendo's tradition of excellence when it comes to one of gaming's most enduring (and endearing) icons.

But, true to form, these departures were innovative and inspired. The departure from the usual Mario standards was astonishing. Mario roams around a realistically rendered city instead of the bright world of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario loses his hat, only for it to be replaced by an anthropomorphic replacement called "Cappy." Mario attacks enemies with this Cappy and can then transform into his enemies. However, the reports we received on Super Mario Odyssey were staggering. We could not wait to get our hands on Mario's latest adventure to be played on the Nintendo Switch.

So when news came that a brand new Mario game was going to be released, we were ecstatic. The plucky red plumber has successfully reserved a place in our hearts. Spot-on platforming, a successful transition to 3D spaces, and engaging couch co-op are just a few of the reasons why Mario has held a place in our homes for so long. His adventures have been with us since childhood, and we still proudly stroll into stores to purchase his latest games with zero shame. via:, Mario reigns supreme in the halls of beloved video game characters. The Best And Worst Things About Super Mario Odyssey TheGamer Something New The 8 Best And 7 Worst Things About Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo's Super Mario Odyssey is finally here, and we've broken down the best and worst things in the latest Mario game.